White Paper for SQRT

Read carefully


Please read the entire "Legal Disclaimer" section carefully. Nothing herein constitutes legal, financial, business, or tax advice. You are strongly advised to consult your own professional advisor before engaging in any related activities. Neither the SQRT Community, nor any initial community member who contributed to the development of the SQUIRTING ecosystem, nor any distributor or provider of SQRT tokens, nor any service provider shall be liable for any direct or indirect damages that may result from accessing this material or its use. Project Purpose: The purchase of SQRT tokens is based on the desire to actively participate in the SQUIRTING ecosystem, a community initiative aimed at promoting values of solidarity and sharing through playful interaction with cartoons. The SQRT Foundation, along with its affiliates, is committed to developing and supporting the source code underlying the SQUIRTING ecosystem. The Foundation operates as an independent entity, facilitating the distribution of SQRT tokens without acting as a financial advisor or legal guardian. Token Utility: SQRT is the native token of the SQUIRTING ecosystem, conceived to function as an internal means of exchange. This utility token facilitates transactions and interactions within the ecosystem, allowing community members to share game experiences based on values of friendship and brotherhood. The introduction of SQRT aims to strengthen social bonds and encourage active participation, offering a safe and reliable way to exchange value within the platform without the intermediation of centralized entities. SQRT does not represent or warrant any shareholding, right, title, or interest in any legal or commercial entity, nor does it promise returns, dividends, or returns on investment. Its purpose is solely to act as a utility token within the SQUIRTING ecosystem, promoting a gaming environment that values solidarity, friendship, and a sense of community. Through the use of SQRT, the SQUIRTING ecosystem intends to create a virtuous circle of participation and contribution, where each member is incentivized to contribute positively. The SQRT token is essential for the ecosystem's operation, as it motivates the community to engage in initiatives that benefit the entire group, recognizing and rewarding individual efforts fairly and transparently.

Nature of the Token Documentation

The present SQRT token documentation serves as a conceptual document that outlines the design principles and ideas behind the creation of a digital token within the SQUIRTING ecosystem. This documentation is intended for informational purposes only and does not in any way represent a prospectus, an offer document, or a solicitation for investments. The information contained may not be exhaustive and does not establish a contractual or legally binding relationship. The accuracy or completeness of the information is not guaranteed, and no representation of reliability is provided in this regard.

Validity of the Token Documentation

This documentation does not constitute an offer to sell SQRT tokens nor should it be considered as a basis for contractual or investment decisions. The information presented herein is not to be regarded as promises or commitments concerning the future performance of the SQUIRTING ecosystem. Any agreements for the distribution or transfer of SQRT tokens will be based solely on separate and specific terms and conditions.

Legal Information

The information provided in this documentation is intended for discussion within the community and has no legal value. No contractual or legal obligation can be undertaken based on what is set forth in relation to the acquisition of SQRT tokens. The distribution of SQRT tokens or their holding are subject to specific Terms and Conditions that will be provided or made available separately. In the event of discrepancies between this documentation and the Terms and Conditions, the latter shall prevail.

Representations and Warranties

By accessing this documentation, it is assumed that the user agrees and warrants not to base SQRT token purchase decisions on the contents herein; to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and restrictions; and to acknowledge that SQRT tokens may have no value, are not guaranteed as investments, and are not intended for financial speculation. (d) none of the parties among the SQUIRTING community, initial contributors, distributors, or transferors of SQRT tokens will be liable or held accountable for the value of SQRT, the transferability and/or liquidity of SQRT, and/or the availability of a market for SQRT through third parties or otherwise; and (e) you recognize, understand, and agree that you are not eligible to participate in the distribution of SQRT if you are a citizen, national, resident (tax or otherwise), domiciled, and/or green card holder of a geographic area or country (i) where the distribution of SQRT is likely to be construed as the sale of a security (however named), financial service, or investment product and/or (ii) where participation in token distributions is prohibited by applicable law, decree, regulation, treaty, or administrative act (including, without limitation, the United States of America, Canada, and the People's Republic of China); for this purpose, you agree to provide all required identity verification documents so that the relevant checks can be carried out.

Squirting Community

The SQUIRTING community, initial contributors, and SQRT token distributors do not make, and hereby disclaim, all representations, warranties, or undertakings to any entity or person (including without limitation warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of the contents of the Token Documentation or any other material published). To the maximum extent permitted by law, the SQUIRTING community, initial contributors, SQRT distributors, and their respective service providers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract, or otherwise (including, without limitation, any liability arising from default or negligence on the part of any of them, or any loss of revenue, income, or profits, and loss of use or data) arising from the use of the Token Documentation or any other material published, or its contents (including without limitation any errors or omissions) or otherwise in connection therewith. Potential purchasers of SQRT should carefully consider and evaluate all risks and uncertainties (including financial and legal risks and uncertainties) associated with the distribution of SQRT and the SQUIRTING community.

SQRT tokens

SQRT tokens are designed to be utilized, and that is the goal of the SQRT distribution. Specifically, it is highlighted that SQRT (a) does not have any tangible or physical manifestation and does not possess any intrinsic value (nor does any person make representations or give commitments regarding its value); (b) is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash (or its equivalent value in any other digital asset) or for any payment obligation by any entity; (c) does not represent or confer to the token holder any right of any form with respect to the SQUIRTING community, its revenues, or assets, including without limitation any right to receive future dividends, revenue, shares, ownership right or stake, share or security, any voting, distribution, redemption, liquidation, property (including all forms of intellectual property rights or licenses), right to receive accounts, financial statements or other financial data, the right to requisition or participate in meetings, the right to nominate a director, or other financial or legal rights or equivalent rights, or intellectual property rights or any other form of participation in or relating to the SQUIRTING ecosystem; (d) is not intended to represent rights under a contract for differences or under any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss; (e) is not intended to be a representation of money (including electronic money), security, commodity, bond, debt instrument, unit in a collective investment scheme or any other kind of financial instrument or investment; (f) is not a loan to any entity, is not intended to represent a debt owed by any entity, and there is no expectation of profit; and (g) does not provide the token holder with any ownership or other interest in any entity.

Despite the distribution of SQRT, users have no economic or legal right over or beneficial interest in the assets of the SQUIRTING community or any affiliate after the token distribution. To the extent that a secondary market or exchange for trading SQRT does develop, it would be managed and operated entirely independently of the SQUIRTING community and the SQRT distribution. The SQUIRTING community will not create such secondary markets nor will act as an exchange for SQRT. For Informational Purposes Only: The information set forth herein is purely conceptual and describes the future development goals for the SQUIRTING ecosystem to be developed. Specifically, the project roadmap is shared to outline some of the plans of the SQUIRTING initial contributors and is provided solely for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES and does not constitute any binding commitment. Please do not rely on this information in deciding whether to participate in the token distribution since, ultimately, the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the sole discretion of the SQUIRTING community and are subject to change. Furthermore, the documentation or website may be amended or replaced from time to time. There are no obligations to update the documentation or website, nor to provide recipients with access to any information beyond what is provided herein. Regulatory Approval: No regulatory authority has examined or approved, either formally or informally, any of the information set out in the documentation or on the website. No such action or assurance has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements, or rules of any jurisdiction. The publication, distribution, or dissemination of the documentation or website does not imply that applicable laws, regulatory requirements, or rules have been complied with. Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements: All statements contained herein, statements made in press releases, or in any place accessible by the public, and oral statements that may be made by the SQUIRTING initial contributors, may constitute forward-looking statements (including statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations with respect to market conditions, business strategy, and plans, financial condition, specific provisions, and risk management practices). You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual future results to be materially different from those described by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are applicable only as of the date indicated in the documentation, and the SQUIRTING community expressly disclaims any responsibility (whether expressed or implied) to release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events after such date. References to Companies and Platforms: The use of any company and/or platform names or trademarks herein (save for those which relate to the SQUIRTING community or its affiliates) does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement by, any third party. References in the documentation or on the website to specific companies and platforms are for illustrative purposes only. English Language: The documentation and website may be translated into a language other than English for reference purposes only, and in the event of conflict or ambiguity between the English language version and translated versions of the documentation or website, the English language versions shall prevail. You acknowledge that you have read and understood the English language version of the documentation and the website. No Distribution: No part of the documentation or the website is to be copied, reproduced, distributed, or disseminated in any way without the prior written consent of the SQUIRTING community. By attending any presentation on this documentation or by accepting any hard or soft copy of the documentation, you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations.


The SQUIRTING ecosystem is currently in the early stages of development and there are a variety of unpredictable risks. You acknowledge and agree that there are numerous risks associated with acquiring SQRT, holding SQRT, and using SQRT for participation in the SQUIRTING ecosystem. In the worst-case scenario, this could lead to the total or partial loss of SQRT held. IF YOU DECIDE TO ACQUIRE SQRT OR PARTICIPATE IN THE SQUIRTING ECOSYSTEM, YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE, ACCEPT, AND ASSUME THE FOLLOWING RISKS: = Uncertain Regulations and Enforcement Actions: The regulatory status of the SQUIRTING ecosystem, SQRT, and distributed ledger technology is unclear or unsettled in many jurisdictions. The regulation of digital assets has become a primary target of regulation in all major countries around the world. It is impossible to predict how, when, or if regulatory agencies may apply existing regulations or create new regulations with respect to such technology and its applications, including SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem. Regulatory actions could negatively impact SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem in various ways. The community may cease operations in a jurisdiction if regulatory actions, or changes in law or regulation, make it illegal to operate in such jurisdiction, or commercially undesirable to obtain the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate in such jurisdiction. After consulting a wide range of legal advisors to mitigate legal risks as much as possible, the community has worked with the specialized blockchain department at Jacque Law LLC and obtained a legal opinion on the token distribution and will conduct activities in accordance with prevailing market practice. = Inadequate Disclosure of Information: As of today, the SQUIRTING ecosystem is still under development, and its design concepts, consensus mechanisms, algorithms, codes, and other technical details and parameters can be constantly and frequently updated and changed. Although this material contains the most current information relating to the SQUIRTING ecosystem, it is not absolutely complete and may still be adjusted and updated by the SQUIRTING initial contributors from time to time. The initial contributors neither have the ability nor the obligation to keep SQRT holders informed of every detail (including development progress and expected milestones) regarding the project to develop the SQUIRTING ecosystem, hence insufficient information disclosure is inevitable and reasonable. = Loss of Talent: The development of the SQUIRTING ecosystem heavily depends on the continuous cooperation of the existing initial contributors and expert consultants, who are highly skilled and experienced in their respective sectors. The loss of any member could adversely affect the SQUIRTING ecosystem or its future development. Furthermore, stability and cohesion among the initial contributors are critical to the overall development of the SQUIRTING ecosystem. There is the possibility that conflicts within the initial contributors and/or departure of key personnel may occur, resulting in a negative influence on the project in the future. = Failure to Develop: There is a risk that the development of the SQUIRTING ecosystem will not be executed or implemented as planned, for a variety of reasons, including without limitation the event of a decline in the prices of any digital asset, virtual currency, or SQRT, unforeseen technical difficulties, and a shortage of development funds for activities. = Security Weaknesses: Hackers or other malicious groups or organizations may attempt to interfere with SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing, and spoofing. Furthermore, there is a risk that a third party or a member of the community or their respective affiliates may intentionally or unintentionally introduce weaknesses into the core infrastructure of SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem, which could negatively affect SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem. Moreover, the future of cryptography and security innovations are highly unpredictable, and advances in cryptography, or technical advances (including without limitation the development of quantum computing), could present unknown risks to SQRT and/or the SQUIRTING ecosystem by rendering ineffective the cryptographic consensus mechanism that underpins the blockchain protocol. = Dissolution Risk: Startups, such as affiliates, involve a high degree of risk. Financial difficulties in startup companies are significant, and the entities mentioned often experience unforeseen challenges in business relationships, or intellectual property, and related challenges. It may no longer be feasible to operate, and the SQUIRTING community or its affiliates may be dissolved. = Other Risks: In addition, the potential risks briefly mentioned above are not exhaustive, and there are other risks (as more particularly set out in the Terms and Conditions) associated with your participation in the SQUIRTING ecosystem, as well as the acquisition, holding, and use of SQRT, including those that the community or its affiliates cannot anticipate. Such risks may further materialize as unanticipated variations or combinations of the mentioned risks. You should conduct thorough due diligence on the SQUIRTING community, its affiliates, and the SQUIRTING initial contributors, as well as understand the entire framework, mission, and vision.


Within the vision and mission of the SQUIRTING ecosystem, the SQRT token allocation structure has been carefully designed to reflect our core values of friendship, pleasure, and brotherhood, as well as our commitment to sustainable and responsible growth. Herein, we present the new SQRT token allocation structure, designed to maximize positive impact on our community and beyond:

5% for the Startup: These funds will be used to support initial operations, ensuring that the SQUIRTING ecosystem has the necessary resources for a solid and stable start.

5% for the DAO: Aimed at funding initiatives democratically decided by the community, this fund will promote projects that align with the collective vision of the ecosystem and actively support the values of friendship, pleasure, and brotherhood.

50% to ensure liquidity: A large portion of the tokens is dedicated to ensuring liquidity on various platforms, making sure users can easily trade SQRT and actively participate within the SQUIRTING ecosystem.

39% for future exchanges: This fund is reserved for facilitating the integration of SQRT into future exchanges, expanding the token's accessibility to a broader audience and contributing to its adoption on a global scale.

1% to the developers of the Solana blockchain: Recognizing the importance of developers working on the Solana blockchain, this allocation aims to incentivize and reward those who contribute to maintaining and improving the technological infrastructure upon which our ecosystem is based.

This allocation structure has been conceived to support the long-term development of the SQUIRTING ecosystem, promoting values of inclusion, collaboration, and mutual support. We firmly believe that, through this balanced and forward-looking distribution, SQRT can serve as a catalyst for positive change, uniting people around the values of friendship, pleasure, and brotherhood.